Monday, January 25, 2010

Public v. Private

From the Washington Post:
Aside from the large banner advertising perpetual rental specials to traffic on U.S. Route 50, the most noticeable thing about the property is its neat, uniform landscaping. Privately owned Kingsley Commons' lush grass, wooden fences, shrubs and flowers stand in contrast to the patchy lawns and exposed dumpsters of the adjacent public housing owned and managed by the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority. That property, known as Kingsley Park, appears to have once been part of the same construction as Kingsley Commons, though Kingsley Commons has added some external cosmetic details to its units.
As it turns out, I am in the process of moving and have submitted my application for a town house at Kingsley Commons. I had no idea that they specialized in "affordable and subsidized Section 8 housing," as the article indicates. The town houses they offer look great!

[HT: Astrid Arca]

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