Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Choice and Education Across the States

The Heartland Institute is one of the more active free market think tanks out there, at least in terms of emailing me to let me know what they are doing. When I think Heartland, I think "furthering the fight against this Al Gore nonsense." They do a lot more than that, too, to be certain, so check out their site.

Anyhow, they just came out with a new report, Choice and Education Across the States (pdf), results start on page 8. It's basically an Economic Freedom of the States in terms of education, based on vouchers, charters, tax credits and public school choice. Arizona, Florida and Wisconsin top the list, and look at that-- West Virginia got the best score...amongst those states receiving the lowest grade possible. Washington and Montana bring up the rear, but is West Virginia any better getting a score of 8.7% versus 4.3%? Heartland gives both an F, and rightfully so.

I wonder if there's a way to work in 'strength of the teacher's union' into the rankings...

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