Monday, March 02, 2009


If you are attending the Public Choice Meetings in Las Vegas this weekend, here is where you can find bloggers of The Perfect Substitute:

Ross will present "Assessor Incentives and Property Assessment" on Friday morning at 10:15 am.
Schaeffer will present "The Role of Private Bureaucracy in Natural Disaster Response and Relief" on Friday morning at 1:45 p.m.
Skarbek will present "Controlling Convicts: How and Why Incarcerated Prisoners Control Street Gangs" on Saturday at 3:45 p.m.


Matt E. Ryan said...

I will be there as well! We should try and get a 4/5 team photo.

Justin M Ross said...

Sorry, I looked and didn't find your name on the program. Are you presenting? When?

Anonymous said...

Justin, I have a meeting during your session :( but we can meet up in between talks! I think a photo would be awesome. See you guys in Vegas!

Suzie said...

Hope your sessions go well! Enjoy!