Sunday, February 15, 2009

Best Buy's Internal Prediction Market

At 2:15 you get the money quote from Jeff Severts, Best Buy's EVP:
Big companies are like communist countries - we all know how well communist countries worked. At some point they fell apart, not because the leaders were dumb, but because nobody would tell the leaders at the top, who had to make decisions, what decisions to make.


jeremy h. said...

So, do prediction markets solve the calculation problem? (See also another perspective on prediction markets.)

Matt E. Ryan said...

I'm not sure that communist countries fell apart because no one told the leaders what to do...

Michael Klein said...

So now communism works because we have prediction markets? Someone should tell the leaders of Cuba and North Korea...

Viagra Online said...

this doesn't matter, in the business world you can't predict nothing, this because the business world the tide, you never know if something come or gone in any 22rd